Ahmedabad ’s samaritans come to rescue of abandoned children

While society is still grappling with the problem of abandonment of the newborn girl child, another cause for disowning children has come to light. Families are disowning children who have defects and diseases as they don’t have the means to treat them. In two recent cases in the city’s hospitals, a nine-year-old cancer patient and […]

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Tech-savvy physicians tweet remedies

A network of 56 family physicians from the city providing standardised treatment protocols under a common identity has just begun this techno-savvy trend. Down with high grade fever? Do not panic; just send your queries to your doctor and receive tips on first hand medication via their twitter account. This is the latest techno-savvy trend […]

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A recent survey says most school children like munching junk food as compared to eating healthy food. Are parents concerned? DNA found that most of the parents in city want school authorities to join the mission of raising awareness on unhealthy foods that make kids ill and frail. Most school children in the city munch […]

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An overwhelming 87% of Amdavadi women, in a survey by a global firm, said they felt stressed most of the time, while 82% said they had no time to relax… “Men do not want to shoulder the responsibility of assisting on other fronts and hence the stress keeps mounting on women…” —Aditi Desai, social activist […]

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